The Six Phases of Qualitative Thematic Analysis

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Thematic analysis is the most popular method of analyzing qualitative research data. This course features a detailed explanation of the six stages with practical applications, enrichment activities and references.

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د. هبة خالد العدساني

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Thematic analysis is the most popular method of analyzing qualitative research data.
This course features a detailed explanation of the six stages with practical applications, activities, and enrichment references.

At the end of watching this course and applying the activities, you will be able, God willing, to analyze your qualitative research data using Brown and Clark’s reflective thematic analysis method in a correct and easy way.

Course Content
Announcement of the course
Advertising Watch More
Introduction to reflective thematic analysis
introduction Watch More
What is objective analysis? Watch More
Historical development of objective analysis Watch More
What is reflexive thematic analysis? Watch More
A comparison between the names of the stages, ancient and modern
The first stage: familiarity with the data
Strategies for familiarity with data
Take notes during the familiarization phase
Practical activity
The research used as an example in this stage
The second stage: coding
Definition of coding
How do I start the coding process?
Practical application of the coding process
General rules in the coding stage
Common errors in the coding stage
Repeat the coding process through multiple rounds
Using technology in the coding process
Practical activity
The third stage: producing the initial categories
Definition of category
Difference between encoding and class
How to produce categories
Practical application for producing categories
Five main things
Practical activity
The research used as an example in this stage
Phase Four: Develop and review categories
The difference between this stage and the previous “third” stage
The process of deleting, separating, merging and adding
Greater depth of analysis
When will I finish this stage?
Practical activity
The first research used as an example in this stage
The second research used as an example in this stage
The fifth stage: purifying, defining and naming the categories
Questions before starting
Defining and naming categories
How do I choose a good name or title for the category?
Practical activity
The first research used as an example in this stage
The second research used as an example in this stage
The third research is used as an example in this stage
Sixth stage: writing
Contents of this stage
Introduction and literature
Results and discussion
Selecting evidence - examples from the data
Using numbers in objective analysis
Practical activity
The first research used as an example in this stage
The second research used as an example in this stage
The third research is used as an example in this stage
The fourth research used as an example in this stage
Enrichment references
Using thematic analysis in psychology
One size fits all? What counts as quality practice in (reflexive) thematic analysis
questions and answers

ابتسام العتيبي

02 فبراير 2024
انتهيت من الدورة كيف سأحصل على الشهادة وهل يمكن العودة للاستماع للدورة مرة اخرى في اي وقت

د. هبة خالد العدساني

20 فبراير 2024
ممتاز ،، بوركت جهودك :) أتمنى أن تكون الدورة قد أعجبتك رأفادتك في مسيرتك العلمية. الموقع لايصدر شهادات معتمدة للأسف،، يمكنك تصفح محتوى الدورة في أي وقت ومن أي جهاز وذلك عبر دخولك للموقع بنفس الايميل وبنفس رقم الجوال اللذان سجلتي بهما واشتريتي الدورة.
0 from questions

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